Please see …
- the general call for submissions
- the research track calls for submissions, specifically
- Open Data Research chaired by Ina Schieferdecker of Fraunhofer FOKUS and Free University of Berlin, see the call for submissions
- Open Educational Resources Research chaired jointly by Ulrike Cress of University of Tübingen and Astrid Wichmann of Ruhr University Bochum, see the call for submissions
- Free, Libre, and Open Source Software Research chaired jointly by Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona of Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and Gregorio Robles of Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, see the call for submissions
- IT-driven Open Innovation Research chaired by Kathrin Möslein of Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, see the call for submissions
- Wikipedia Research, chaired by Nicolas Jullien of Telecom Bretagne (University), see the call for submissions
- Wikis and Open Collaboration chaired by Brent Hecht of University of Minnesota, see the call for submissions
- the doctoral symposium call for applications, and
- the community track call for submissions