Tutorial on Wikis in the Workplace by Peter Thoeny
Date and Time
Monday, 2007-10-22 13:30.
Free for WikiSym 2007 attendees. A special $280 one-day pricing is also available for those who only want to attend the Monday where this tutorial is given. The one-day pass also gives you access to all WikiSym events of that day, not just the tutorial. For more information, see Registration.
Learn from the founder of TWiki, the leading wiki for corporate collaboration and knowledge management what exactly a wiki is. In this overview session, Peter Thoeny will review how you can use a wiki to enhance your corporate communications within your organization and between organizations for a competitive advantage.
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Peter Thoeny's Bio
Peter Thoeny is the founder of TWiki and has managed the open-sourced TWiki.org project for the last nine years. Peter invented the concept of structured wikis - where free form wiki content can be structured with tailored wiki applications. He is now the CTO of TWIKI.NET, a company offering services and support for TWiki.
He is a recognized thought-leader in Wikis and social software, featured in numerous articles and technology conferences including Linux World, BusinessWeek, The Wall Street Journal and more. A software developer with over 20 years experience, Peter specializes in software architecture, user interface design and web technology.
He graduated from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, lived in Japan for 8 years working as an engineering manager for Denso building CASE tools, and managed the Knowledge Engineering group at Wind River for several years. He co-authored the Wikis for Dummies book, and is currently working on a Wikis for the Workplace book.