History: HomePage
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Welcome to the 2009 WikiSym event wiki! WikiSym is the International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration, the symposium (conference) and community of wiki and open collaboration researchers and practitioners world-wide.
WikiSym 2009 will take place in Orlando, Florida, Oct 25-27, at Disney's Contemporary Resort
. At present we are gearing up for the first paper and proposal submission deadline on April 2nd, 2009.
Details about registration feas and program will appear on this page soon.
WikiSym 2009 will take place in Orlando, Florida, Oct 25-27, at Disney's Contemporary Resort

Details about registration feas and program will appear on this page soon.
Call for Submissions (Papers and Proposals)
- April 2nd: Submission deadline for
- research papers
- experience reports
- workshops proposals
, and
- panel proposals.
- research papers
- April 24th: Submission deadline for
- posters,
- demonstration proposals,
- WikiFest papers and
- Doctoral Symposium proposals.
- May 22nd: Notifications for all submission categories (workshops earlier).
- October 25-27: WikiSym 2009!
Symposium Organization
Symposium Committee- Chair: Dirk Riehle
, SAP Labs LLC
- The WikiSym 2009 symposium committee
- Chair: Amy Bruckman
, Georgia Tech
- The WikiSym 2009 program committee