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Welcome to the 2009 WikiSym event wiki! WikiSym is the International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration, the symposium (conference) and community of wiki and open collaboration researchers and practitioners world-wide.
WikiSym 2009 will take place in Orlando, Florida, Oct 25-27, at Disney's Contemporary Resort
. It is co-located with ACM OOPSLA, Onward!, DLS, and others.
Details about registration fees have been published on the main blog and will appear here soon. Please remember that we are a non-profit undertaking.
The program is being developed and will be blogged and provided here soon as well. The invited speakers have been announced already.
In the meantime, you can register to the site.
The deadline has passed and the decisions have been cast. To get an idea of the upcoming program, please take a look at the original call for call for papers.
WikiSym 2009 will take place in Orlando, Florida, Oct 25-27, at Disney's Contemporary Resort

Details about registration fees have been published on the main blog and will appear here soon. Please remember that we are a non-profit undertaking.
The program is being developed and will be blogged and provided here soon as well. The invited speakers have been announced already.
In the meantime, you can register to the site.
Call for Submissions
The deadline has passed and the decisions have been cast. To get an idea of the upcoming program, please take a look at the original call for call for papers.
Symposium Organization
Symposium Committee- Chair: Dirk Riehle
, SAP Labs LLC
- The WikiSym 2009 symposium committee
- Chair: Amy Bruckman
, Georgia Tech
- The WikiSym 2009 program committee