Submission instructions
Please send all submissions in PDF format through our submission system: submission page
All accepted submissions will be published in the Symposium Proceedings and archived in the ACM Digital Library.
Tracks and sessions
Please, before you start the submission process, take a moment to identify the appropriate track/session for your submission. You will have to introduce this information in the Category section of the submission form.It is not allowed to submit the same paper to more than one track/session.
Available sessions are (please, refer to Call for Papers for further description of each session):
- Wiki Track
- Industry Track
- Open Collaboration Track
- Poster
- Doctoral Symposium
- Demo/Tutorial
- Workshop
Format and guidelines
Submitted works in all categories should use the ACM SIG Proceedings Format, see:
As a general guideline, the length of the Abstract section should not exceed 200 words for any type of submission.
- Long papers (max. length 10 pages): They will be accepted on any of the main tracks (wiki, industry, open collaboration).
- Short papers (max. length 4 pages): They will be accepted on any of the main tracks (wiki, industry, open collaboration), and the workshop sessions (to be submitted once the list of sessions becomes available).
- Posters (max.length 2 pages): A two-page manuscript will be uploaded, summarizing the content of the poster. Please, remind to prepare a different, visually appealing version of your poster for the on-site session in WikiSym 2010.
- Doctoral Symposium: Please refer to the Doctoral Symposium 2010 page for additional info about submissions to this session.
- Workshops/Tutorials (max. length 2 pages): A two-page description of the session must be submitted to be included in the Conf. Proceedings. Please, refer to the Workshops Tutorials 2010 page for additional info about submissions.
Submission procedure
The following steps will guide you in the submission process:- Click on submission page
to access the submission system for WikiSym 2010 (on Easy Chair). If you already have an EasyChair account, please proceed to log in. Otherwise, you have to create a new account on Easy Chair before you can access the submission page.
- Once you have successfully logged in, you will be redirected to the submission page for WikiSym 2010. Now, you will have to enter the required information for your submission.
- Postal address.
- Author information (please click on the link below the last frame to include additional authors; by default, you can insert information for up to 3 authors).
- Title/Abstract: Insert the title and abstract of your manuscript.
- Category: Mandatory field. Please, select the appropriate track or session to which you want to submit.
- Keywords: Introduce some keywords to help identify the main topics of your manuscript.
- Finally, upload your paper using the upload form at the bottom of the page. Activate the checkbox on the side if you are submitting an abstract of your manuscript.
- Please, take a minute to review all information in the form before you click on the Submit paper button. Please, wait until the upload process is finished, it may take some time.
Questions regarding submissions may be directed at the respective chair using the following email addresses:- Research papers (all tracks): jfelipe <at>
- Workshops: agorbatai <at>
- Demonstrations/Tutorials: daniel.kinzler <at>
- Posters: Pattarawan.Prasarnphanich <at>
- Doctoral Symposium: crowston <at>
General questions should be directed at psayers <at>